Dee-Ann Studio Of Dance
Presents Dance Party

Dee-Ann Studio Of Dance
Presents Dance Party
Dee-Ann Studio of Dance proudly presents their 65th annual recital, "Dance Party."
COVID-19 Policies & Procedures
As a precaution and to prevent the spread of COVID-19, Wagner Noël Performing Arts Center will have the following policies in place for the May 15, 2021, performance at Wagner Noël:
- Seating will be socially distant, meaning every other row will be filled by groups of 2 - 6 people spaced out on that row. There will not be anyone sat in front or behind you - only to the side of you at a social distance.
- If you have a need for a specific number of seats that are no longer available or if you need to purchase more than 6 seats together, please contact the box office at 432.552.4437 for availability.
- All patrons ages 10+ will be required to wear a face mask to enter the building. Face masks must remain on the patron's faces at all times in the building; including in the lobby, at your seat (while the patron is not eating or drinking), and in the restrooms.
- A limited selection of food and beverages will be offered for this performance. Food and beverage are to be enjoyed at your seat (not in the lobby).
- Our bag policy is limited to 8" x 10" x 6" in size. The intent of this is to limit the touchpoints of our employees while performing bag checks prior to patrons entering the building.
- All tickets for this event will be sold online through or Guests are encouraged to download their tickets to their mobile devices prior to coming to the performance. Printed tickets will still be accepted.
- For a list of prohibited items and policies visit our A - Z Fan Guide
- If you have a specific question, please email
- To read more about our cleaning procedures visit:
*Please note these policies are specific for the May 15, 2021, performance. Each show at Wagner Noël PAC will have its own set of policies as COVID-19 regulations and best practices evolve.