Franco Escamilla Tour Gaby
Eventos Inc Presents

Franco Escamilla Tour Gaby
Eventos Inc Presents
No se permiten bolsas o mochilas grandes. Tamaño máximo: 12” x 12” x 6” y tiene que ser transparente, incluyendo pañaleras. Las unicas bolsas no transparentes permitidas son pequeñas carteras y no tener más de 8"x5" pulgadas.
Please note for all events after January 1, 2022, we will have a clear bag policy with a size limit of 12x12x6" or a non-clear bag/wallet with a size limit of 8x5".
Franco Escamilla is a Mexican comedian, voice actor, musician, philanthropist, businessman, and founder of La Diablo Squad (The Devil Squad). He is mainly known for his comedy shows; He has performed throughout the Mexican Republic, and throughout Latin America, even starting his own "World Tour" of his tour "Por la Anécdota" He has three specials: "Comedians of the world", "For the Anecdote" and "Welcome to the World" within Netflix.
This show will primarily be in Spanish.
Clear Bag Policy / Norma de Bolsas Transparentes
Please note for all events after January 1, 2022, we will have a clear bag policy with a size limit of 12x12x6" or a non-clear bag/wallet with a size limit of 8x5".
No se permiten bolsas o mochilas grandes. Tamaño máximo: 12” x 12” x 6” y tiene que ser transparente, incluyendo pañaleras. Las unicas bolsas no transparentes permitidas son pequeñas carteras y no tener más de 8"x5" pulgadas.