Matt Williams

Matt Williams
Matt Williams is not your typical Country Artist and he has a background that separates him from most artists in the industry right now. Matt is an Army Veteran that served 8 ½ years in Iraq/Afghanistan. During Matt’s last tour, he was wounded by an IED, where he lost two of his best friends and was awarded a Purple Heart for this unfortunate incident. Matt was also awarded an Army Commendation Medal of Valor and left the Army as an E/6 Staff Sergeant. Matt Williams truly is a unique and incredible individual who has accomplished a lot in his lifetime and he continues this streak with his music career.
After returning from his third and final deployment in 2010, Matt Williams discovered another battle waiting for him here at home. PTSD and depression loomed very near to Matt, as he had been wounded - and two of his best friends were killed - by an IED attack during his last tour in Afghanistan. Things only seemed to intensify when Matt's father passed just three weeks after he had returned home from the Army. Matt desperately sought an outlet where he could direct his emotion, and he turned back to his roots: MUSIC.
Matt's love of music stretches back as far as he can remember. His mother bought him a drum set at 18 months and he never looked back, learning piano by ear, singing in the choir at church, even becoming one of the top marching snare drummers in the country while in high school. Matt found a solace in music that he couldn't find elsewhere, and it became the perfect emotional outlet.
"I began writing the story of my life in the form of songs that I hope other people can relate to in many different ways. I want to tell the world about my life to show that I’m not ashamed of who I am and that no one is perfect. Music, along with God, really can save the soul, and it can influence and impact people in ways that they cannot do for themselves. Music saved my life in more ways than one and I believe that it can help others as well." - Matt Williams
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