Murphy's Celtic Legacy

Murphy's Celtic Legacy
Don’t blink, for this is no ordinary Irish Dance performance; it is a battle of styles, a clash of colors. The cast of Murphy’s Celtic Legacy gives an invigorating performance of traditional Irish Dance.
Featuring dancers and musicians from Riverdance, Lord of the Dance and Celtic Woman, Murphy’s Celtic Legacy is the next generation Irish dance spectacular.
Created by Chris Hannon, former principal dancer for Lord of the Dance, Murphy’s Celtic Legacy features original choreography combining traditional Irish and Modern dance techniques presented with song and live music.
Murphy’s Celtic Legacy premiered in January 2015 with a sold out performance (1600 seats) in the United Kingdom, then went onto a successful tour of the Middle East. In 2016, Murphy’s Celtic Legacy performed for a full summer season across the Mediterranean, and will tour Israel and Cyprus in 2017.
The show’s soundtrack is composed by acclaimed Irish musicians John Elliott and Gerry Conlon and is performed by a 7 piece band. The performance centers on an original tale developed by Hannon drawn from Irish folklore—a tale of Kings and Queens, rebels and magic; epic battles between good and evil. It tells the story of the Murphy clan, who flee the corrupt tyrants of their native Eire in search of a better future. They land on the island of Ishan where they encounter the Ishas, the indigenous community of the Murphy’s new home. Pursued by the Dark Queen of Eire, the Murphy’s and the Ishas unite in their shared quest for peace and overcoming evil.
The name Murphy’s Celtic Legacy is a tribute to Hannon’s grandmother, who founded the Hannon Murphy School of Irish Dancing in the Northeast of England.