The All New 2024 Shen Yun
Southern USA Falun DAFA Association Presents

The All New 2024 Shen Yun
Southern USA Falun DAFA Association Presents
SHEN YUN’S unique artistic vision expands theatrical experience into a multi-dimensional, deeply moving journey. Featuring one of the world’s most ancient and richest dance systems—classical Chinese dance—along with dynamic animated backdrops and all-original orchestral works, Shen Yun opens a portal to a civilization of enchanting beauty and enlightening wisdom.
Shen Yun Performing Arts is a nonprofit organization based in New York. Its mission is to revive 5,000 years of traditional Chinese culture. Traditional Chinese culture—with its deep spiritual roots and profoundly optimistic worldview—was displaced by communism in China. While Shen Yun cannot perform in China today, it is sharing this precious heritage with the world.
Audience members' review:
“Shen Yun brought something most needed in this world—hope: hope for a better world, hope for a better future, hope for a better life.”
—Jesse Miranda, producer
“Absolutely the greatest of the great! The words to describe it might be ‘divine,’ ‘reborn,’ and ‘hope.’ You have to see it to believe it.”
—Christine Walevska, master cellist
“It makes you dream of a heavenly world. It's really a balsam, a salve for the soul. It's something that really restores you, regenerates you."
—Filippa Giordano, famous Italian-Mexican Singer
Additional Ticket Information
Children under age 4 not permited.
Clear Bag Policy
Please note for all events after January 1, 2022, we will have a clear bag policy with a size limit of 12x12x6" or a non-clear bag/wallet with a size limit of 8x5". This policy includes diaper bags.