Whose Live Anyway

Whose Live Anyway
Prepare to laugh until you cry when four of the world’s most masterful improv artists take you on the high wire act ofcomedic acrobatics. The rapid-fire wit and non-stop jokes will have your sides splitting andbegging for mercy...andalso begging for more. The Touhill will welcome Ryan Stiles and Greg Proops, both seen on ABC’s “Whose Line Is ItAnyway?” as well as Jeff B. Davis and Joel Murray. If you are a “Whose Line?” fan, get ready for the same relentlesslaughter that you grew to love, but without the commercial breaks! If you are new to improv comedy, then you are infor a show unlike anything you have ever seen before.
This particular style of improvisational comedy is rife with countless gags, one-liners,hilarious games and even songsso good you will hardly believe they were made up on the spot. The teamwork and trust that it takes to perform ashow with no script is apparent, but when the best of the best do it, they do it effortlessly. Watch them buildentirescenes, characters, and storylines right before your eyes as they take you on a white-knuckle ride through endlesschuckles.
Ryan Stiles’ television credits include roles on “The Drew Carey Show” and “Two and a Half Men,” while Greg Proopshas lenthis vocal talents to animated characters inStar Wars: Episode 1,The Nightmare Before Christmas,andBrother Bear. However, both got their start as comedians and are excited to return to their funny-bone-ticklingroots.
Jeff B. Davis is also a highly experienced improv comedian and starred in the cult classic cartoon series,“Harmonquest.” He has also starred in “Drew Carey’s Green Screen Show” and “Improv-a-Ganza,” while gainingfame for his spot-on impressions of Christoper Walken, Keanu Reeves, and JeffGoldblum.
Joel Murray is the youngest of the nine Murray brothers, including Bill Murray, but has become a star in his own right.Though he has over 250 sitcom appearances, he is best known for his recurring roles like Freddy Rumsen on “MadMen” and Eddie Jackson on “Shameless.” He has also appeared inOne Crazy Summer,The Artist,Scrooged, andBobcat Goldthwait’sGod Bless America
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Please note for all events after January 1, 2022, we will have a clear bag policy with a size limit of 12x12x6" or a non-clear bag/wallet with a size limit of 8x5". This policy includes diaper bags.